A feather in my hat, I was one of the 'Yahoo! Canada's Pick of the Week'
for the week of April 10, 1998.
Now here is the list:
Blood" - In the show where Kramer gave Jerry his blood, Kramer
asks to use Jerry's TV because he is taping Canadian Parliament on
C-Span. *
- "The Comeback" - George came in happy and Jerry said
"Why are you so happy? Did you find someone to take that Canadian
quarter of yours"
- "The Calzone" - The show where Kramer cooks his clothes,
Todd Gakk, claims he's going to Montreal and can pick up some Cuban
cigars for Jerry.
- "The Label Maker" - In the show where Jerry has Superbowl
tickets, he says he can't give them to Kramer because Kramer only
likes Canadian football. *
- "The Hot Tub" - There is a Canadian travel poster on
Kramer's wall when he is in the hot tub. There is also a large
Canadian flag being carried in the marathon in the shot of the bridge.
- "The Summer of George" - There is a can of Canada Dry
Ginger Ale in George's refrigerator chair.
- "The Opposite" - Elaine was kicked out of her apartment
building, and the list of grievances include "putting Canadian
quarters into the machine".
- "The Couch" - The show with the Poppy stain, Poppy tells
Kramer he gets his ducks from Newfoundland
* Could Kramer be a former Canadian, watching Parliament and CFL?
Indirect References:
Maid" - Kramer is using Jerry's blanket on the couch. The blanket
was from the Hudson Bay Company with the tradition HBC strips.
- "The Nosejob" - In the show where George is trying to
convince his girlfriend to get a nosejob, George says "Peter
Jennings has a nosejob", who is Canadian.
- "The Andrea Dorea" - Elaine was wondering if it was Gordon
Ligthfoot who sang
"The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" or Edmund Fitzgerald
who sang "The Wreck of Gordon Lightfoot".
- "Bubble Boy" - The Bubble Boy and George play Trivial
Pursuit, a very successful board game that was invented in Canada by
Canadians, Chris Haney and Scott Abbott .
- "The Gum" - Haarwood refers to Kramer's Raymond
Massey-like physique. Raymond Massey was a famous Canadian actor.
- "The Face Painter" - In the show where the gang go to a
Devils-Rangers playoff game, two players hit the boards in front of
Puddy - He yells Messier and pounds on the glass.
- "The Bottle Deposit" - There is a video cassette of the
Canadian film Léolo on Newman's table.
- "The Cigar Store Indian" - Elaine is playing poker with
her girl friends. A bottle of NAYA water is clearly on the table. NAYA
is made in Canada.
- Jerry's hero Superman was created by Canadians Joe Shuster and
friend Jerry Siegel
Canadian Cast/Crew
- Actor - David James Elliott ... Carl [The Couch]
- Actor - Angela Featherstone ... Cindy [The Maid]
- Actor - Teri Austin ... Ava [The Stranded, The Revenge]
- Actor - Frances Bay ... Mabel Choate [The Rye]
- Actor - Jeannie Elias .. Myra [The Bris]
- Actor - Maurice Godin ... Misha [The Gymnast]
- Voice - Phil Hartman ... Man on the Phone [The Package]
- Actor - John Kapelos ... Barry [The Sniffing Accountant]
- Actor - Linda Kash ... Gwen [The Lip Reader]
- Actor - Peter Keleghan ... Lloyd Braun [The Non-Fat Yogurt]
- Actor - Kevin McDonald ... Denim Vest [The Strike]
- Actor - Stephen McHattie ... Dr. Reston [The Watch, The Wallet, The Pitch & The Ticket]
- Voice - Alex Trebeck ... Himself [The Abstinence]
- Actor - Keith Morrison ... Newscaster (Himself) [The Trip]
- Director - David Steinberg ... [The Tape & The Truth]
- Writer/Producer - Marjorie Gross ... [The Secretary, The Fusilli Jerry, The Understudy, & The Shower Head]
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